Residential complex in Asperg

The construction site of the residential complex in Asperg is entering its final phase.

Kirchen für neue Städte

Essay by Matthias Ludwig and Dina Falbe on churches by Ulrich Müther in the book “Churches for new cities”

Exhibition "Droste Digital" in Marbach

The exhibition "Droste Digital. Manuscripts - Rooms - Installations" has opened at the Museum of Modern Literature in Marbach. The exhibition runs from 12 November 2023 to 7 April 2024. bfa design with Finken & Bumiller.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo; Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo; Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année;

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the realisation competition "Conversion of the Catholic church into a community centre". The organiser of this competition is the Catholic parish of Durchhausen.

Roof extension in Landau/Pfalz

The construction site for the roof extension in Landau/Pfalz is entering the final phase.

Residence S

Technical and energetic refurbishment of the Dr. Schülen residential building in Stuttgart built by architect Klaus Franz from 1967-1970. During the refurbishment, the architecture of the building is preserved in its original state. Energy concept by Transsolar Energietechnik Gmbh


The holiday home in France is located in a village in the Herault, which is a listed building. The primary concern is the renovation of the dilapidated house in order to preserve its historical value.

Competition management

One-stage, restricted competition with multiple commissioning: "Habenhus J. Wesenberg" - Living on the harbour edge in Wismar. 1. Price Konermann und Siegmund Architekten, Hamburg

Book Contribution

Contribution by Matthias Ludwig about Ulrich Müther in the book "La estela de Félix Candela : cascarones de concreto armado en México y el mundo" von Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes.

Judges' activities

Matthias Ludwig is a judge in the urban planning and realisation competition "Habenhus J. Wesenberg" in Wismar.

Book Publication "Candela Isler Müther: Positions on Shell Construction"

Concrete shell construction started to become popular in the mid-20th century. Technically advanced designs with conspicuous expressiveness began to appear all over the world. With three typical protagonists - Félix Candela (1910-1997), Heinz Isler (1926-2009), and Ulrich Müther (1934-2007) - the book examines this construction method. Their work - primarily in Mexico, Switzerland, and the former GDR - was carried out under very different political, economic, social, and cultural conditions. Matthias Ludwig is one of the editors of the book.

Award "Golden House"

bfa I büro für architektur was awarded a "Golden House" for its penthouse in the west of Stuttgart. This is the third time bfa has received this award.

Crime scenes of National Socialism

In the summer semester 2020, 27 student projects at Mainz University of Applied Sciences researched scenographic-performative and architectural-spatial aspects of National Socialist crime scenes in Mainz. On 7 July 2020, the student projects were juried with all participants in the LUX, the central exhibition pavilion of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsstraße. From 24.11.2020 to 05.12.2020, the best works will be presented to the public in the LUX. A catalogue is being planned for the exhibition.

Competition 2nd. Price

bfa I büro für architektur with Lysann Schmidt Landschaftsarchitektin, Transsolar Energietechnik and Asko Fromm Tragwerksplaner were awarded 2nd prize for their entry in the competition for the construction of a new day-care centre in Velten-Süd.

German Design Award

The bfa has received an "German Design Award" for the Holy Spirit Church in Ergenzingen.

Architecture MasterPrize

The bfa has received an "Architecture MasterPrize" for the Holy Spirit Church in the field of "Winner in Architectural Design / Restoration & Renovation".

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo; Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo; Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année;

50 Years Holy Spirit Church

A commemorative publication in cooperation with Wagner-Rexin was published in time for the 50th anniversary.

Altar Consecration

On 22 October at 10 a.m., the altar consecration will take place in the Heig Geist Church in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen after nine months of construction. The church, which has been renovated on the inside, will be handed over to the Catholic faithful by Rottenburg's auxiliary bishop Thomas Maria Renz during a festive service.

Church of the Holy Spirit Ergenzingen

The construction site was started at the beginning of the year

Jury Activity

Matthias Ludwig is a jury member in the ICOMOS Germany - "60plus XXL" student competition

Penthouse II

The roof structure on the old coach house in Stuttgart-West was occupied.

Jury Activties

Matthias Ludwig is a judge in the competition "Hafenspitze" Alter Hafen in Wismar.

EXPO - Reformation Anniversary

For the Reformation anniversary in 2017, Lutherstadt Wittenberg is getting seven "Gates of Freedom", which are to represent the theme of the Reformation in different thematic areas - the so-called gate rooms - in the ramparts around the old town. For the "Youth" gate room, the Design Department at Mainz University of Applied Sciences was awarded the prize for the design "Läuft's bei dir? Hidden Diversity" by the class of Prof. Antje Krauter won 1st prize.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the multiple commission "New construction of a funeral parlour in Benningen am Neckar". The awarding authority for this competition is the municipality of Benningen am Neckar.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the competition "Extension and Modernisation of the Vinzenz-von-Paul School in Schönebürg". The awarding authority for this competition is the Elisabethenpflege Schönebürg Foundation.

Penthouse I

Work has begun on the roof of an old coach house in Stuttgart-West.

Garage for Lotus-Collector

The garage for a Lotus collector was recently inaugurated. Five enthusiast cars can be parked in it. Workbench, pit and an open work yard are among the features of the spacious garage.

Competition 1st Price

bfa I büro für architektur with Transsolar and Dinnebier Licht were awarded 1st prize for their entry in the "Church interior renovation Heilig-Geist" competition in Rottenburg-Ergenzingen.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the competition "New construction of St. Peter's church, community centre and day-care centre in Bad Cannstadt". The awarding authority for this competition is the city of Stuttgart.

Rems Murr Kreis Neue Architektur

The book Rems Murr Kreis Neue Architektur is almost complete and will appear in bookshops in September. It includes sections on the Multi-purposehall in Schorndorf, the fire brigade equipment house and the builders yard in Auenwald.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the competition "New construction of a children's house". The awarding authority for this competition is the town of Beilstein.

Competition 2nd. Price

Für Ihren Beitrag im städtebauliche Ideen- und Realisierungswettbewerb für das "Zentrum für angewandte Sportwissenschaft und Technologie sowie der Neubau einer Vierfachsporthalle" in der Universitätsstadt Erlangen erhalten bfa I büro für architektur mit Lohrberg Stadtlandschaftsarchitektur den 2. Preis. "Die Arbeit überrascht zunächst durch ihre ausgesprochen kompakte, fast quadratische Form auch bei Einbeziehung der Erweiterungen im 2. und 3. Bauabschnitt. Durch die einfache und kompakte Form wird eine angemessen unaufgeregte Gestaltung der Fassade erreicht. Der Verfasser überzeugt mit einer äußerst kompakten Großform. Aufgrund der städtebaulichen Situation und der Klarheit des Baukörpers wird diese Arbeit vom Preisgericht als ein bemerkenswerter Beitrag positiv gesehen".

Book - Planungspraxis Sport- und Mehrzweckhallen

Das bfa - büro für architektur ist Mitautor beim Buch "Planungspraxis Sport- und Mehrzweckhallen – Neubau und Sanierung nach DIN 18032".

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter ist Preisrichterin im Wettbewerb "Rathaus, Bürgersaal und Bibliothek in Remseck". Auslober dieses Wettbewerbes ist die Stadt Remseck.

Weißenhof - Architecture Promotion Prize

Antje Krauter curates the 5th Weißenhof - Architecture Promotion Prize at the Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof Stuttgart. The prize combines the tradition of the Weißenhofsiedlung with architecture's claim to contribute to contemporary culture. It is awarded to promote young architects and honours both realised buildings and conceptual projects and strategies.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the competition "Förderpreis für junge Architekten und Architektinnen 5". This competition is organised by the Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof in Stuttgart.

Ulrich Müther - Cast in Concrete

Architekturgalerie am Weissenhof in Stuttgart is now hosting a comprehensive show on the Ulrich Müther’s output, featuring exhibits from his extensive estate, which has been housed in the University of Wismar since 2006. The show will mainly consists of architectural drawings, individual models and photographs of Müther’s buildings. Curated by bfa - Matthias Ludwig

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is a judge in the competition "Förderpreis für junge Architekten und Architektinnen 5". This competition is organised by the Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof in Stuttgart.

Shared Space Systeme

A study on e-mobility. Professor Antje Krauter has been doing research in a study by the Department of Design University of Applied Sciences Mainz, the future potential of sharing systems with e-mobility. Be shown not only changing car interiors, but also possibilities of this new technology to change our living spaces and inner cities drastic.

Symposium - Transmaterial Aesthetics

In order to explore the interplay between aesthetics and technology in timber architecture, HS Wismar and UTS Sydney seek submissions that probe the topic of transmateriality from perspectives that redress imbalances and missing links in the debate. Critical investigations of historic or theoretical content, as well as practice-oriented contributions and case studies exploring the latest technological research in timber are welcome. This International Symposium at ANCB The Metropolitan Laboratory is organized by Matthias Ludwig and Sandra Löschke.

Exhibition Ulrich Müther

As part of the dia13 models and photographs of the GDR shell architect Ulrich Müther were shown at the HS-Wismar. The exhibition was put together by Matthias Ludwig and students of the HS-Wismar.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo; Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo; Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année;

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter adjudicator in the "general restoration and extension of the high school Thusneldastraße and expansion of vocational colleges Deutzer Freiheit" competition. Tenderer of this competition is the city of Cologne.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter adjudicator in the competition of the "House of the Catholic community of the parish of St. Elizabeth." Tenderer of this competition is the Catholic parish of St. Elizabeth in Stuttgart.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter adjudicator of the competition "update the children's home St. Elizabeth." Tenderer of this competition is the Catholic parish of St. Elizabeth in Stuttgart.

Exhibition 30 Years at the Weißenhof Gallery

Concept and design by bfa and Finken-Bumiller: Exhibition of 30 years at the Weißenhof Gallery. Since its foundation in 1982 the Architecture Gallery at the Weissenhof in Stuttgart has presented exhibitions and events concerning architecture, urbanism, landscape architecture, design and art. To celebrate its 30 year jubilee and the exhibition ‘30 Years at the Weißenhof’, the gallery is showing a selection of posters from a total of 170 exhibitions.

Apartment Building S

The renovation of a fifties building in Stuttgart has recently been completed.

Apartment Building B

The construction of an apartment building in Schwieberdingen has begun.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter ist Preisrichterin im Wettbewerb "Pflegeheim Sindelfingen". Auslober dieses Wettbewerbes ist die Stadt Sindelfingen.

Heilbronn Neue Architektur

The book Heilbronn Neue Architektur is almost complete and will appear in bookshops in September. It includes a section on the Rossäcker sportshall in Weinsberg.

Renovation of a B23 Bungalow

The bungalow B23, from 1984, has been completely renovated.

Apartment building G

The renovation of an apartment building in Stuttgart has begun.

Lecture "Flying and Digging" at SAC, Frankfurt

On Thursday 26 at 19:00 in the Aula, Matthias Ludwig, gives the first in this series of lectures. Ludwig is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Wismar and a partner in the Stuttgart-based architectural firm, büro für architektur. His own work comprises small to medium sized buildings - including a multi-purpose hall in Schorndorf and a fire-station in Auenwald-Unterbrüden. In addition to studying at SAC under Peter Cook, Ludwig studied architecture at the University of Applied Science in Stuttgart and the University of London – Bartlett School of Architecture. He also held a fellowship at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart and has taught at the University of Western Australia in Perth and at the State Art Academy in Stuttgart. Ludwig is author of the book 'Mobile Architektur - Geschichte und Entwicklung modularer und transportabler Bauten'.

Visiting Professorship in Sidney

Matthias Ludwig will undertake a visiting professorship at the TS Sydney for the winter semester 2013.

Busstop ‘Stuttgart Tour’

The busstop system for the Stuttgart tour has been completed. The sightseeing bus for Stuttgart, the Stuttgart Tour, links together the more important sights in Stuttgart. The Stuttgart Tour is managed by the SSB.

Competition 1st prize

Building 1, Wismar University. The design concept concerns the exterior space of the green campus of Building 1. The green campus will be extended with an auditorium, which allows both external use on the campus and also the function of events room. The café and reception area will designed as special building elements.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter adjudicator of the competition "City center Gaertringen / Ludwig-Uhland-Hall". Tenderer of this competition is the community Gaertringen.

Jury Activity

Antje Krauter is adjudicator in the competition of the "4-gruppige Kindergarten Bruder Klaus." Tenderer of this competition is the Catholic parish of St. Joseph in Stuttgart.

Book contribution in “Unschärfe Relationen - Experiment Raum”

Spatial strategies of BFA in “Unschärfe Relationen - Experiment Raum” by Damrau and Pasing, published by H. M. Nelte Verlag.

Exhibition “Architektur in Bewegung - Junge Architekten in Baden-Württemberg”, Berlin/Stuttgart

The architecture of BFA is part of the exhibition at the Architektur-Galerie am Weißenhof, Stuttgart and part of the workshop “Architecture in Motion - Young Architects in B-W” in Berlin. Sponsored by Eternit AG.

Exhibition: “Freiraum Junge Architektur”, Augsburg

BFA takes part in the exhibition: “Freiraum Junge Architektur” at the Architektur-Museum Schwaben, Augsburg.

Book publication “Mobile Architecture”

Mobility and flexibility, a central theme of modern architecture up until the 1970s, is currently back in the spotlight due to increasing social and political change. The various building typologies of mobile architecture, such as transportable and relocatable buildings for temporary or permanent use as well as industrially manufactured series houses, are dealt with in detail.

"Schwebende Objekte". In: INDEX no.3

Word and image contribution in “Schwebende Objekte”. In: INDEX no.3