Firebrigade Equipment House, Auenwald

Awards: 1. price in competition und  award "Beispielhaftes Bauen"

the community of auenwald is an assembly of fifteen districts. the larger districts had their own individual volunteer fire departments,which were separately located. in order to show the unification in an architectural way, a competition was launched for a communal fire equipment station in the distict of unterbruden. the design reacts to the slope of the site by dividing the spatial programme into various small building elements, which are optimised for their particular function. the large service areas were terraced, and thus integrate well into the landscaping concept. the design was based on thoughts about the meeting of landscape and architecture. the direct meeting of these two defines this theme and creates the design – an architecture which seeks to make clear the topography, takes form, and then flows back into the landscape. the use of concrete allows this dialogue to take shape. the concrete folds itself along the slope like paper, opens up the space, and lets the landscape flow in.


fire equipment house, builders yard, german red cross, caretaker house
